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Ways to Contract and Combat Salmonella

May 9, 2018
raw chicken

With spring in the air, it’s time to bring out all of your favorite sunny time foods. However, while it’s a great time to enjoy a barbecue with all of the winning sides, be cautious about the food that is served and how you serve it.

This is especially important in the food service industry, because this is the time of year when foods that can cause salmonella are the first choices on the menu. By obtaining an online food handler’s certificate, you can best know what foods to look out for. However, here is a quick run-down from Certified On The Fly about the basic carriers, how salmonella is contracted, and how to avoid it.

What is Salmonella?

Salmonella is an infection that is usually the result of consuming contaminated food or water. It is a very common issue with over 200,000 cases a year in the United States alone. The bacteria is spread through contaminated food and water and usually resolves within a few days to a few weeks.

Symptoms of salmonella include fever, abdominal pain, chills, and diarrhea. If experiencing any of these symptoms, be sure to see a physician because salmonella infection has to be diagnosed.

Who is Susceptible?

Anyone can get an infection from salmonella bacteria, but it is most common amongst:

What Foods Cause Salmonella?

Really, there are several different possible sources of salmonella infection in foods. Some of the most common foods that are a source of this disease are staples in many people’s diets year-round. Foods that can be contaminated with salmonella include:

Even a food as common as raw fruits and vegetables run the risk of infecting eaters with salmonella. Knowing how to properly store food is just as important as preparing the food.

Preventing Salmonella

The most common way to get salmonella is through contaminated meat, eggs, milk, or water. Contracting it from fruits and vegetables occurs when the produce has been exposed to animal feces.

Luckily, preventing salmonella in the food industry is actually pretty simple. It really is all about how you prepare and store your food.

One of our biggest tips is to store and refrigerate your food properly before you are ready to cook it. Before handling food, don’t forget to wash your hands thoroughly. This is also a great practice if you are working between raw meat and vegetables for a meal.

Remember to cook your food thoroughly. By properly preparing your eggs and meats you can help to further prevent your customers from contracting salmonella.

Prevent Salmonella by Getting Your Texas Food Handler’s Certificate

If you are a member of the food handlers industry, make sure that you and your employees have their Texas Food Handlers Certification. Luckily, Certified On The Fly makes it simple and affordable. Our online program will get you a certificate without having to take a test or leave the comfort of your home. If you need to leave the comfort of your home, you can even take it on the go. Enroll with our program today to get certified, fast.

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