6 Foods That Bring The Summertime Blues

Summer is here and is, unfortunately, the time of the year when food poisoning is most prevalent amongst restaurant guests and cooks alike. No server wants their guests to go home feeling ill, so education on food safety is a must!
If you know you need to renew your food handler certification, now is the time to take action! Until then, check out these top six summertime foods that have the potential of cutting someone’s summer fun short due to poor prep and storage.
Yes, the number one food associated with summer is also at the top of our list of risky eats. If burgers are improperly stored or undercooked, consumers are put at risk for a life-threatening strain of E. coli.
While you may be able to eat other meats like steak slightly undercooked, ground beef promotes a risk that shouldn’t be ignored.
Caesar Dressing
No, we aren’t talking about the bottles you buy in the stores. That product is pasteurized for your health and is usually safe to eat unless improperly stored. However, homemade dressing created the “traditional” way that contains raw eggs poses potential health problems.
Remember, the consumption of raw and undercooked eggs is something that should be avoided in order to steer clear of salmonella. So, as a professional in the food service industry, we suggest sticking to the pre-packaged dressings over homemade, just to ensure the safety of your guests.
Leafy Greens
According to the CDC, leafy greens are the cause of hundreds of foodborne illness outbreaks each year. Mishandling by food service employees, cross-contamination and dirty washing water are only a few ways that your salad can quickly turn into a nightmare.
Make sure that any time you are handling leafy greens that you and your employees practice professional hygiene and food prep that keeps your kitchen products safe.
Some vacationers may decide to travel to the shore and indulge in the delicacies of a raw oyster bar. While this may be an adventurous outing, we suggest you consume with caution.
Raw shellfish, oysters in particular, contain Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus. The consumption of raw oysters can lead to food poisoning in healthy people, and it can also be deadly for people with weakened immune systems.
While it’s commonly known that salmonella poisoning can be contracted from undercooked chicken, it’s still a popular enough summer food for us to add to our list.
Remember, when cooking any meat, especially chicken, use a food thermometer to ensure the food is cooked at a safe temperature. Chicken must be cooked at an internal temperature of 165 degrees in order to guarantee safe eating.
Deviled Eggs
Deviled eggs may be a picnic staple amongst many families, but unless it’s stored properly below 40 degrees Fahrenheit, the risk of salmonella is extremely high. Even though these eggs are cooked, when they sit for long periods of time at room temperature, the speed at which bacteria can grow is shocking.
Get Certified and Handle Food Safely with Certified On The Fly
Keep your customers and coworkers safe this summer and get your staff food handler certified with Certified On The Fly. We have the ability for you to create an employer account that can get your staff on-board in no time. Register online today to experience the affordable and effective certification course by Certified On The Fly!
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