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A Bar and Restaurant Owner’s Guide to Food Handling Certification

January 11, 2024
Liquor bottles at a bar

Restaurant and bar owners strive to maintain the highest standards of food safety and compliance. Navigating the intricate maze of food handling regulations is daunting, but it cannot be overstated how important it is to ensure your team is well-trained and certified.

This is where the innovative approach of Certified On The Fly comes into play, revolutionizing the way food handling certification is managed and acquired in Texas. Read on for more!


Embracing Innovation in Food Safety Training

Certified On The Fly is a pivotal resource for restaurateurs and bar owners in Texas, offering an online Texas Food Handlers certification course that’s both comprehensive and convenient.

Our course isn’t just another checkbox in a long list of regulatory requirements — it’s a practical, user-friendly online training program designed to empower food service professionals with essential knowledge and skills they’ll use.


A Course Tailored for the Foodservice Industry

Crafted by Dustin Meyers, a seasoned expert with a rich restaurant industry background, our online course reflects a deep understanding of food service workers’ unique challenges and scenarios. Dustin’s experience means a curriculum that resonates with everyone, from line cooks to managers, with its practical insights and actionable knowledge.


The Convenience of Online Learning

In today’s digital age, the flexibility of online learning is invaluable. Certified On The Fly understands this, and we’ve developed a course that is accessible, fast, and straightforward.

This approach not only accommodates the hectic schedules of food service professionals but also streamlines the process of obtaining your Texas Food Handlers Card itself.


Staying Ahead of Food Handler Certification Expiration

One of our system’s most innovative features is a free online roster system for employers. This system serves as a proactive tool, notifying both the employer and employee the month before their card expires. That’s crucial foresight for maintaining continuous compliance and ensuring your team always operates with valid certifications.


Simplifying Payment and Enrollment

Understanding the logistical challenges of managing team certifications, Certified On The Fly has introduced a simplified pre-paid code system. This system lets you easily cover the certification costs for employees, eliminating the need for individual account setups or reimbursements. This thoughtful feature shows our commitment to making certification as hassle-free as possible for both employers and employees.


Why This Matters for Your Business

For restaurant and bar owners, ensuring your team is properly trained in food handling is not just about compliance — it’s about customer safety, reputation management and operational excellence.

The skills and facts in our course empower your staff to make informed decisions, handle food safely, and respond effectively to nearly any situation they’ll encounter in their work.


A Texas-Focused Approach

What sets Certified On The Fly apart is our deep-rooted connection to Texas. Created within the state by professionals who have walked in your shoes, it addresses the specific requirements and nuances of Texas food handling regulations. This localized focus ensures the content is highly relevant and immediately applicable to your business.


Building a Culture of Safety and Compliance

Investing in the right training for your team is a critical step in fostering a culture of safety and compliance in your establishment. When your staff is well-informed and up-to-date on the latest food handling practices, it not only enhances the overall quality of your service but also instills a greater sense of confidence and professionalism among your team.


Your Staff Deserves to Be Certified On The Fly

Navigating the world of food handling certification can be a complex task, but with resources like Certified On The Fly, Texas restaurant and bar owners have a powerful ally. Embracing our modern, efficient approach to food safety training isn’t just about ticking a regulatory box — you’re elevating your establishment’s standards, ensuring customer safety, and contributing to a more knowledgeable and competent food service industry in Texas.

Certified On The Fly is your one-stop shop for Texas Food Handler certification. Enroll today!

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